Monday, August 10, 2009

Life is a chair of bowlies

I am so behind in this bloggin stuff that I am not going to explain why,?, but let's get and go from here! OK??

I think sometimes that the reason I don't do this bloggin more is that I know I will enjoy it so much that it might actually keep me from running the dust mop or doing my laundry?? haha
Silly girl you say? But I know me and I could talk and journal forever and a day(so to speak).

Hello, Is the anyone out there that doesn't know I am going to be a first time grandmother??
I have mentioned to a few(100) of my closest friends. Well, tomorrow we find out what we are having and I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited I probably won't sleep tonight. Hence I am bloggin! I am still in awe of the fact that my children are finally going to have their hearts desire, as most young couples do. A baby all their own.:-) To snuggle with, get sugar from, hug and play with, nurture and grow. Gosh, Its almost too much to wrap my mind around at times. I am happy for myself but I am so thrilled for them because God is faithful an heard everyone's prayers. It is truly a miracle. Praise God.YaYa loves Lil" duck. :-)

Saturday , myself and my sistergirl(clayton's words) Sue went to a late summer wedding at our church. It was very pretty and so was the young couple getting married. I thought"they will make pretty babies" :-) but from my children's experience I have learned, In HIS time alone.
We hear so many times about abortions or unplanned babies,but I know God planned them everyone, all for a reason. I think that's why its so painful to hear about child abuse or neglect .
They are God's little people for heaven sake.

Sue and I have another task we are co conspirators in , her daughter, Shanna's wedding comming up in October. I love weddings. I have had a few myself,( uh hummm, did I say that?)
We'll lets just say I am well versed in the weddin' dept. It is so sweet to see these young folks get all excited about their weddings. You can usually see a dream in the brides eye's because she's so madly and hopelessly in love.(NOT ONE NEGEATIVE REMARK ABOUT THE REALITY CHECK DOWN THE ROAD :-) YA HEAR ME.
I am blessed that they are allowing me to help coordinate/organize things. It's fun to me.

It is getting time to close for now.
Hopefully I will do a post in the am when my eye's will stay open.

Goodnight John Boy
Goodnight Maryellen
Goodnight Grandpa,

that would be me :-)


"Virtuous Wannabe" said...

I am so incredibly proud of you! Not only did you write an incredible post but there is also a picture of you in the kitchen! Wow! You've come along way baby! Yep, we are definitely co-conspirators! She is excited, she got her tiarra in today....she's has tried it on about 5 times and keeps summoning a different member of the family in to see how it looks (along with her wedding veil)....she truly can't wait to be a bride...thank you for all that you do! I love you much!

AngelRhoden said...

I cannot believe I found you here, assuming this is the "you" that I think it is! I've checked out the Lil' Duck site before and didn't realize who it was! It's good to see you on here. Keep blogging!!

martha stewart impersonator said...

thanks girls for the compliments.
It's encouraging to me :-)
I wish I would take the time to do it more often. I am going to try and get in the groove>
I love to read all of the blogs from you guys and I do that often.
God is so Good!!

Anonymous said...

This news publisher offers articles related to pediatrics, kids health, health news, breaking research and recent news about family wellness. Blessings to your family and the new baby!